Youth Ministry
The Children’s Ministry at Calvert City UMC exists to provide kids through 5th grade with a Biblical foundation for their life. We are an Orange ministry that uses First Look (preschool) and 252 Basics (K-5). We want our kids to know by the age of 5 that, “God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever.” Likewise, by the time a student goes to Middle School we want them to know the 3 Basics Truths that: “I need to make the wise choice, I can trust God no matter what, and I should treat others the way I want to be treated.” Sunday School (10:00-11:00) offers age appropriate classes and curriculum Preschool K-2nd grades 3rd-5th GradesWednesday nights offer a continuation of what is learned from Sunday school. Activites are from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm which involves music and Bible lessons. Studies are also offered for parents to help them grow and provide community with each other.
TeamKID is designed for Kids in Discipleship! It features Bible memory games and application of Bible truths, engaging missions videos and activities, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus. On Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:00 during the school year, we have a pre-K through 2nd grade group and a 3rd – 5th grade group. We have also been known to break out a game night, kick ball game, craft night or other various activities during TeamKID. We also have a monthly activity such as jumping at Vertical Jump Park, watching movies at the Calvert Drive In, painting pottery or playing at a playground throughout the year.
On Sundays from 10:00-11:00 we have opportunities for our youngest children to 5th graders.
Nursery (age 0-3)
Pre-K (age 3-5)
Early Elementary (kindergarten-2nd grade)
Later elementary (3rd grade – 5th grade)
Family FUn Night
When school is out for summer we still want to get together with our children, and we want to encourage parents, children, and occasionally the entire congregation to enjoy time and fellowship together. Each week, there are activities (pool party, movie on the church lawn, a local service project) or an outing (Venture River, Maggie’s Jungle Golf, Land Between the Lakes) planned with the children and adults in mind. We believe that Godly relationships are a vital part of the growth and discipleship of our children. Family Fun Nights encourage relationship building between our children, the adults and between children and adults.
LakeSHore Camp & Retreat
Lakeshore is a camp and retreat center on the shores of the Tennessee River in Eva, Tennessee, providing Christian hospitality, rest and reflection for guests of all ages and background. Children can take advantage of numerous camp opportunities throughout the summer. The church will help with the cost of the camp for any regular attendee of the children’s program. For more information about Lakeshore and summer camps go to
dayshore Day Camp
This summer, we brought a taste of Lakeshore to Calvert City United Methodist Church. Dayshore was available to children in kindergarten through 5th grade July 17-22 from 8:00am to 4:00 pm. We had over 70 children at one time or another take part during the week and averaged over 50 children every day. From water games, a talent show and gaga ball, to worship, singing, and discussing daily God moments, the children, youth and adults alike were treated to a wonderful week experiencing the power and love and God.
Centershot Ministries outreach program that shares the Gospel of Jesus using the life-skill of archery. We offer Centershot in the winter for a 6-8 week period from January to March. Certified trainers from our church help instruct the children and youth about the mechanics of archery and the application of the skill to our walk with Jesus.
The children take part in multiple activities throughout the year around the church calendar.
Children’s Christmas Musical
Children’s Christmas Musical – each December the children of the church demonstrate the power of Jesus’ birth with a Christmas musical between the two church services. The children begin working on the musical in late October and are always outstanding witnesses to the best Christmas gift any of us have even been given.
Shoebox Ministry
Shoebox ministry – We take part in the Samaratin’s Purse Operation Christmas Child where we enjoy a potluck meal together before stuffing shoeboxes full of toys, candy, and personal items in a shoebox for a child in one of over 100 countries across the world.
night in bethlehem
Night in Bethlehem – During this evening, families wander through the bustling Bethlehem marketplace and discover what life was like when Jesus was born. Children will create unique keepsakes as they interact with local shopkeepers who share the Christmas story. Everyone love talking to Mary and Joseph in The Stable—and hearing about the miracle of Jesus’ birth.
Easter Egg Hunt
Trunk or Treat
“Be a Light to the World”
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