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At CCUMC you’ll find a community of real people,
led by leaders who emphasize their real-world, real-life
experience along with resurrection logic and Bible worldviews to guide our community toward authentic
and abundant life.

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open hearts


Who Are We?

It’s really not about us—it is all about God! 

However, if you must know, Calvert City U M C:

What we believe/live by

Ministry at Calvert City UMC

United Methodists continue to heed the lessons John Wesley taught his followers: to live in love and in justice as servants of Christ by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, caring for the stranger, freeing the oppressed, being a compassionate presence, and working to develop social structures that are consistent with the gospel.

We live out the saying that saved people serve people. 

Below is a list of our ministries here at Calvert City:

Sunday School — Calvert City has a long record of strong Sunday Schools, at times with more Sunday School membership than Church membership. These days Calvert City has six weekly adult Sunday School classes:

  1. Aldersgate Class — lecture format with discussion using International Lesson; Mike Harrell, teacher
  2. New Life Class — conversational style using the Bible as the primary source, teachers: Carol Wright, Bennie Deaton, and Dan Sills
  3. Methodism 101 — an occasional class refreshing folks on distinctive emphases of Methodism led by Pastor


Worship at Calvert City UMC is the central act of shared devotion and faithfulness for members and visitors alike. Worship uses a blend of traditional and contemporary styles and music. Each worship includes lively sharing, timely readings, special music, powerful hymns, thoughtful responses, and Biblical preaching. We use Spirited music, colorful tapestries and textures, Scripture, silence, and symbols to assist us to embody the Word of God and the witness of Jesus for each day and season.

Holy Communion is served each first Sunday of the month at both services and more often at other seasons in the life of the church. Holy Communion is open to everyone—you do not have to be a member of our church to receive Communion at the Lord’s Table. If you have or seek a relationship with Jesus, you are welcome to receive communion.

Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service. Usually a children’s sermon is included in the service for children 5th grade and under. Colorful, quiet bags are hanging in the rear of the sanctuary to provide children’s activities for the day. Often times Children’s church is provided for special instruction.

Worship attire in each service is informal and open—shorts and polo shirts can be found in either worship as well as ties and dresses.


Special Seasonal and Holiday Programs — Seasonal programs include:• Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion, 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
• Lenten Studies
• Christmas and Easter Cantatas
• Prayer Retreats

• Musical Concerts
• Good Friday Service
• Easter Sunrise Service

Wednesday Night Programs — On Wednesday nights during the school year, a meal is prepared and served for $5- adults, $3-youth. Timely programs for children, youth, and adults follow the meal. Visitors and new members eat for free the first month!

Choir — Choir practice normally lasts from 7:00 p.m., until 8:00 p.m. Musical selections are varied and international. No tryouts are necessary; all are welcome to make a joyful noise! Richard & Ginny Burchett direct our music ministry.

United Methodist Women — The United Methodist Women are a strong mission arm of the United Methodist Church. The Calvert City United Methodist Women meet monthly during the Spring and Fall. The United Methodist Women programs include local missions, international missions, study programs, work missions, and national programs of interest.

Days Away to Pray and Play — Monthly trips and game days are planned for retired members of the church with special emphasis on faith and fun and fellowship. Sheila Hehenberger organizes this group.

Food Pantry—Each third Monday the church welcomes Marshall County neighbors to a food pantry for families and individuals in need. The church works to ensure no neighbor is hungry!

Third Place Ministries—Each fourth Thursday our church takes its turn at the New-to You Shop in Benton.  The New-to-You Shop is a cooperative effort of all 13 United Methodist Churches in the county to re-purpose clothes and furnishings and other household items through a thrift store.

Prayer Requests—The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, wrote, “Nothing happens without prayer.” God’s army marches on its knees. God promises to answer ‘knee mail.’ Let us add your prayers to our hearts and minds.

Giving—Generous giving is a powerful witness to God’s Providence. Our gifts make clear just how much we trust God to provide! Here at Calvert City United Methodist Church we welcome all gifts of every shape and size in every way gifts can be offered: