Worship Services

Worship Services

Start Your Journey with us at CCUMC


9 a.m. Traditional Service 11 a.m. First Light Service 10 a.m. Sunday School (NO SUNDAY SCHOOL CURRENTLY) Small group life begins on Sunday morning and is highly encouraged to build fellowship and caring friendships.


First Light Contemporary Service
The 9:00 a.m. service is casual and contemporary-styled. The praise band includes drums, guitars, keyboard and more. The dress code is relaxed and informal so expect an upbeat atmosphere praising God using K-Love favorites!


Traditional/Blended Service
The 11:00 a.m. service at CCUMC is blended traditional-styled. The choir and attendees sing traditional and ecumenical hymns. The dress code is casual so come as you are to praise God in a strong United Methodist worship service.

sunday school classes


Calvert City United Methodist Church offers five strong and varied adult Sunday School classes. Sunday School begins at 10:00 in between the contemporary and traditional church services. Small group life begins on Sunday morning and is highly encouraged to promote the building of fellowship and caring friendships in the faith.


Calvert City United Methodist Church offers five faith-filled children’s age-graded Sunday School classes. Sunday School begins at 10:00 in between the contemporary and traditional church services. Great care is taken by trusted, dedicated teachers to form the faith of the 50+ children entrusted to our care.